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How to pass home energy saving audit?

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Here are some tips to help you pass a home energy saving audit with flying colors:

Before the Audit:

  • Gather Information: Find utility bills for the past year. This gives the auditor a baseline of your energy usage.
  • Prepare Your Home: Make sure the auditor has easy access to your attic, basement, and HVAC system. Clear any clutter that might obstruct the inspection.
  • Make a List: Note any drafts, temperature fluctuations, or concerns you have about your home’s energy efficiency.

During the Audit:

  • Be Open and Honest: The auditor is there to help! Answer their questions truthfully and discuss any areas where you suspect energy loss.
  • Take Notes: Ask questions and take notes on the auditor’s findings and recommendations.

Following the Audit:

  • Review the Report: Carefully analyze the report outlining areas for improvement and potential cost savings.
  • Prioritize Upgrades: Focus on the most impactful and cost-effective recommendations first.
  • Consider Incentives: Many regions offer rebates or tax credits for energy-efficient upgrades. Explore these options to offset the cost.

General Tips for Passing:

  • Air Sealing: Air leaks are a major culprit for energy waste. Sealing cracks around windows, doors, and other openings is a crucial step.
  • Insulation: Proper insulation levels in attics, walls, and basements significantly impact energy usage. Consider upgrading if necessary.
  • Appliance Efficiency: Energy-efficient appliances make a big difference. Look for ENERGY STAR certified models when replacing old appliances.
  • Lighting: Switch to LED bulbs throughout your home. LEDs use significantly less energy and last much longer.
  • Behavioral Changes: Simple adjustments like taking shorter showers, air-drying laundry, and adjusting your thermostat can add up to big savings.

By following these tips and addressing the key areas identified in the audit, you’ll be well on your way to a more energy-efficient home and a passing grade on your energy audit!



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